A number of positive pregnancy tests have appeared for sale on Craigslist in recent weeks with sellers pitching them as the perfect means of, ahem, keeping your man or just a funny prank to play. (Read: not a funny prank to play in any circumstances.)
This isn’t the first time people have been found selling positive pregnancy tests, but a dozens of such ads have appeared on the classifieds site in recent weeks.
They tend to retail for anything between $20 – $30 and each ad is more grim than the last. (On the bright side, they do all stipulate that no questions will be asked, which is sound?)
It’s not all fun and games, though, as people have been warned in the past that acquiring a fake pregnancy test for the purposes of deception could constitute blackmail.
In 2013, police officer Gary Mason told KCTV:
For example, if a married man is having an affair and he tried to break it off with the girl, and she became upset and decided to present this fake pregnancy test and demand money, otherwise she would tell the spouse. That would be a level of blackmail.